What is Vote-By-Mail

Vote-By-Mail gives a voter the ability to vote by mail. A ballot is picked up and mailed instead of going to the polls. If you are a registered voter you can register to vote-by-mail. To request your vote-by-mail ballot click here. This request for a vote-by-mail ballot is valid for a specific election of all elections through the following two general elections. After two general elections you will need to make another request for a vote-by-mail ballot.

Your Vote-By-Mail ballot may be sent to a legal residence address, permanent mailing address, or a temporary address. 

For further information please visit the Palm Beach County Supervisor of Elections website.

How To Request a Vote-By-Mail Ballot

Online: Mail Ballot Request
Phone: (561) 656-6208
Fax: (561) 656-6230

In Person at any following office:

Main Office

240 S. Military Trail
West Palm Beach, FL 33415
Phone: (561) 656-6200
Fax: (561) 656-6287

North County Branch Office

3188 PGA Blvd. Room #2401
Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410
Phone: (561) 624-6555
Fax: (561) 624-6572

South County Branch Office

345 S. Congress Avenue Room #103
Delray Beach, FL 33445
Phone: (561) 276-1226
Fax: (561) 276-1321

West County Branch Office

2976 State Road #15 Second Floor
Belle Glade, FL 33430
Phone: (561) 992-1114
Fax: (561) 992-1219

Supervisor of Elections Service Center

7835 Central Industrial Drive
Riviera Beach, FL 33404
Phone: (561) 840-4588
Fax: (561) 840-4591

Vote-By-Mail Deadline Request

The deadline to request that a Vote-by-Mail ballot be mailed is no later than 5 p.m. on the tenth day before the election.

For more information about delivering mail in ballots visit the Palm Beach County of Elections website.