The Board of County Commissioners serves as the legislative and policy-setting body for county government; enacts countywide laws and authorizes programs and all expenditures of county funds. They also act as the Child Care Facilities Board, the Solid Waste Authority Governing Board, the Environmental Control Board and the Zoning Board. In addition to:
- Construct and maintain county-owned buildings, roads and bridges, and utility systems;
- Provide programs for housing, community redevelopment, land conservation, flood and beach erosion control, and air-pollution control;
- Adopt and enforce building and housing codes and regulations;
- Prepare, enforce and periodically review the Palm Beach County Comprehensive Plan for the development of unincorporated areas of the county;
- Construct and operate cultural, recreational and library facilities and programs.
Seven commissioners are elected from single-member districts to staggered four-year terms to represent the entire county. The Board of County Commissioners generally meets on the first and third Tuesday of each month for public hearings and regular agenda items.
During the first meeting of the month, with the exception of January and August, citizens may offer comments on any issue or topic during Matters by the Public. Workshops are usually held on the fourth Tuesday of the month.
The commissioners are responsible to the voters, but their duties are defined and controlled by the state constitution and state statutes. Their actions can be overturned by state courts. Some department heads, such as sheriff, clerk, treasurer and coroner, are elected rather than appointed by the commissioners.
Other duties that the board of commissioners may be responsible for or oversee include:
Collecting property and sales taxes
- Issuing bonds
- Managing county parks
- Collecting and disposing of trash
- Managing pensions for county employees
- Ensuring water quality
- Administering courts and jails